Friday, February 12, 2016

TGIF: Czech Hunter 231 (2/2)

Yet another reason to leave my life here in the Philippines and take up residency in sweet Czech Republic! WOOF!


  1. sabay na tayong umalis marcus and lets fuck these hotties!

  2. Tangina pinutok sa loob?! Sarap! May link po ba kayo nito sir?

  3. Please do this to me, Sir. Marcus. Hindi mo na kailangan umalis. I'm half Canadian but my Mom is originally from Ukraine. I have European features too!

    1. does this mean you're willing to fuck me???

    2. I would like to, but I can't. I want to remain incognito.

    3. Okay this is weird. Who are you 2:31? I'm the one who posted this comment. Anyway, Marcus, I understand if you want to remain incognito - in fact I am, too - and we all have our reasons. I sincerely hope that someday our paths will miraculously cross because you really turn me on. Hehe! ~ A Mosby

    4. Lol sorry I thought it was you. So, A.Mosby, huh? I hope to meet you someday too. Were you the same reader who commented that he looks like Czech Hunter 66?

    5. CH 66, right? Yes, it was me! Lol! I may have... exaggerated some things, though hahaha! You know, everyone's on the extreme side here. Lol! Also, you remember the guy who commented that you've helped him through this blog on his depression? That was me, too! You don't know how much this blog (and you) mean to me. It's an honor that you've replied to me. *kilig* Hehe! 😊😊😊

    6. I now have an idea of how you look like. Glad I was able to help you during your tough days. This blog has become some sort of diversion for me as well.

      See you in an alternate universe then?

    7. I like the idea of alternate universe, especially now that they have discovered black holes. I'm positive we will meet someday. I believe that, because I'd like my life to be cinematic. Am I getting too preposterous? Lol! If you don't mind I'd like to know who's your celebrity look-alike?! Sometimes I fantasize about you. And I'm not embarrassed to admit that. But I need a face. Hahahaha! Or at least an idea of how you look like. You're the Samantha to my Theodore. *Apologies for my enthusiasm hahaha
